Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom
This is in my top five books of the year, for sure. Maybe amongst my favourites of all time (don’t ask me to name them... it’s like choosing your favourite children!). This book was kindly gifted to me by my wonderful friend Ek as he praised it so highly as a life-changing book, and he was so right! The memoir is only around 200 pages long, so a really short read, but what an impact it has! The author, Mitch Albom, documents his truly amazing friendship with a college professor whom he had lost touch with after graduating, but was reunited with twenty years later in the last months of Morris ‘Morrie’ Schwartz’a life, as he is suffering from ALS disease.
The book was published in 1997 and the edition I have is the 20th anniversary edition, which includes an afterword by Albom in retrospect of the novel. Mitch is a successful sports columnist and had forgotten his promise to stay in touch with his inspirational college professor in earlier years. This was until he saw Morrie on ‘Nightline’, completely by accident, which prompted him to call Morrie and arrange a meeting in Massachusetts, where Morrie was then living. Mitch visited Morrie every Tuesday for a lecture about the meaning of life, whilst Morrie was in the process of losing his life to the unforgiving disease.
Mitch comprised the novel from his fourteen discussions with his old sociology professor, which he tape recorded during their visits. The book is extremely thought-provoking and Morrie’s capacity for life, and his ability to feel immense gratitude for life despite slowly losing his bodily functions, is completely inspiring. Morrie’s words, documented by Mitch over their short time together, make you consider your outlook on life and how small your problems really are. I definitely found myself taking a minute to revoke my annoyance at minor issues like missing the bus in the morning - these really are such small inconveniences in the grand scheme of things, and this memoir really brings that to your attention.
Based on the nature of Morrie’s condition, it’s not hard to predict the ending of this novel. I don’t think I have ever felt so heartbroken at the end of a book, despite knowing all along what was coming - I truly sobbed my heart out and it was very cathartic! I would recommend this gem to everybody, as it teaches you such important lessons about life, love and friendship. A beautiful beautiful story which I will always remember and pass on for others to enjoy... timeless!
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