The Flatshare - Beth O'Leary

The book follows the dual narration of Tiffy and Leon, two twenty-somethings living in London. Tiffy, having broken up with her gaslighting, possessive and frankly manipulative boyfriend, finds herself without a place to live. Leon, on the other hand, has a one-bedroom flat and is in need of money. He works night shifts as a palliative care nurse and spends weekends with his girlfriend, as so decides to rent the room (including the single bed) on unusual terms: he occupies the room during the day whilst new flatmate Tiffy is at work, and she spends the rest of the time there. ⠀
They each eat, shower and sleep in the flat, yet they have never met. For months their sole method of communication is via post-it notes dotted haphazardly about the flat, indicating when the bins need putting out or if there’s a new batch of cookies on the counter. 

O’Leary’s prose is charming and relatable, funny and poignant - not only is this a lighthearted book of friendship and love, but also tackles darker themes of emotional abuse. It’s a feel-good, heartwarming read and I can’t recommend it highly enough!
