Life After Life - Kate Atkinson

I realised once I started reading this that I had read about these characters before - the Todd family was familiar to me. It occurred to me that last year I read A God in Ruins, also by Kate Atkinson, which is the second book in the Todd Family series - oops! Despite me reading the books in the wrong order, it didn't end up mattering too much. They both work as stand-alone novels, but it would be helpful to have the familiarity with the family history when going into the second novel (perhaps a re-read is in order!).
This novel is absolutely astounding. It begins in 1910, late at night, when Ursula Todd first comes into the world. Before even taking a breath, the newborn baby dies - she has been choked by the umbilical cord during labour. This is where our first chapter ends.
The story begins again. Ursula is born, and this time she gulps the air in. The baby survives a while longer. She lives an unusual life. She ultimately dies in a different way.
The same night again, February 1910 - Ursula is born. She lives longer, she moves to Germany, war closes in. She dies from gas poisoning. No, she dies after suffering domestic violence. Wait - she drowns. This child has a seemingly infinite number of lives. Each time her clock resets, is she beginning to remember glimpses from her past lives? She experiences Déjà vu increasingly. She is haunted by feelings of dread and places and people she instinctively knows she should avoid.
This book is absolutely beautiful. With the backdrop of the looming war, we are taken through decades of one family's life, and each time around they experience different trials and losses. I became so attached to Ursula and each time I was willing her on to live longer, and make different choices. The surrounding characters are well-developed and Atkinson's depiction of relationships is very real and raw. The theme of reincarnation makes for almost a spiritual experience when reading, and the story is extremely profound. It makes you question your choices and the paths you may follow - is there another path you should choose instead?
For anyone who hasn't read any Atkinson yet, she is a unique and wonderful writer. I would recommend you start with this book, and hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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