The Seven Sisters - Lucinda Riley
From one extreme to the other now, with a completely glowing review to follow my last, which let's be honest, was pretty terrible! Here is a book which has been hyped up SO much by the book community, which I've been encouraged to read countless times - Lucinda Riley's The Seven Sisters. What is it about a book which has rave reviews that makes us reluctant to read it? Despite my reticence, I don't think this book can possibly be overhyped - I absolutely inhaled every word.
The book is the first in a series which follows six adopted sisters (one final sister is named but not yet part of the family, though I believe the story of the missing sister will be touched on later in the series). This first book follows the eldest sister, Maia, who has been living at home with her billionaire adopted father, Pa Salt, in a lavish home in Switzerland.
Her father's unexpected death brings grief upon the sisters who all flock home at this sad time to discover that he has left a letter for each of them and a set of coordinates if they wish to discover their true heritage. Maia reluctantly decides to follow this path and learn about her birth family, which leads her to the exotic and beautiful Rio de Janeiro.
There she meets a man who she has worked with long-distance for many years but never seen in person, and he helps her to discover her heritage - clues to which are hidden in the pages of letters. These letters transport us, the reader, back to the 1920s and a second narrative, that of Izabela and Laurent, unfolds. This book is complex, multi-layered and yet absolutely enthralling and unputdownable. Unlike the disaster of my previous read, I did not want this book to leave my side, not finding boredom or drifting off on a single page.
Riley's storytelling is fast-paced yet builds tension through the dual-narrative which keeps you guessing, and the puzzle finally fits together to deliver an emotional and heartwarming ending but one which leaves you wanting more for the next book. I am now itching to get my hands on the next book and have already thrust this one excitedly into the hands of my mother who I know will love it too. Favourite book of 2021!
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