Charlotte - Helen Moffett
I picked up this book having never heard of it before but noticed that it is a sequel to Pride and Prejudice, written from the perspective of Charlotte Lucas. I love me a retelling so couldn't resist!
The novel is written in the epistolary format as well as interspersed memories, beginning by telling the tale of Charlotte in the present tense as a newly bereaved mother, grieving for the loss of her first born son. She has now been married for some time and has grown to love Mr Collins, whom she initially accepted on the basis that he would provide her a secure home and stable life.
Her best friend Lizzy Bennet had been appalled by her acceptance of the farcical proposal at first, having barely recovered from rejecting Mr Collins herself. The rift driven between the women is repaired throughout this novel, and Charlotte's story is given airtime.
Throughout the novel we are transported back in time to learn of Charlotte's initial months as a married woman, the birth of her two girls and the short life of her son Tom. Along the way she meets a dashing piano tuner who becomes her confidant and close friend. I really enjoyed the feminist, modern-day twist Moffett brought to Charlotte's story, and it is written very much in an Austen-esque style.
My only qualm with the novel was the ending, which I found a little ridiculous and beyond belief. Unfortunately this slightly marred how much I had enjoyed it until that point, but I still have fond feelings towards the book nevertheless.
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