The Five Greatest Warriors - Matthew Reilly


The Five Greatest Warriors is the third instalment of the Jack West Jr series, which follows straight on from the previous book, The Six Sacred Stones. Jack West and the team are halfway through their mission to place the six ancient diamond pillars in their respective Vertices, completing the missing pieces of a Machine which will prevent the Dark Sun from destroying the world as we know it. If this is all making zero sense, I wrote a review of The Six Sacred Stones a few weeks ago which will explain more!

Like the previous two, this novel comprises history, philosophy, religion, adventure and warfare making for a truly exciting story. The team travel between Israel, Japan, Mongolia, Russia, Australia and England whilst trying to complete their time-sensitive mission which involves uncovering the secrets of some of the world's greatest leaders - Napoleon, Genghis Khan and even Jesus Christ.

As before, I do find these novels slightly fantastical and at times a trifle corny, but I can't help but enjoy them so much. As a novice reader of the action genre, I have enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone and getting lost in some gritty, violent, action-packed adventure with a great cast of characters. I mentioned in my previous reviews that these novels remind me of The Da Vinci Code films but with more fighting - if this sounds like something you could get on board with, give the Jack West Jr series a try!
