Theatre of Marvels - Lianne Dillsworth

Theatre of Marvels is a historical fiction novel set in Victorian London, and the debut of Lianne Dillsworth. The novel's protagonist, Zillah, is a mixed race woman working in the theatre as 'The Great Amazonia' painted to appear blacker and scantily clad as though she is a feral, tribal woman. Her act involves playing up to stereotypes about Black people in the Victorian era, presenting herself as wild and terrifying whilst participating in fearsome dances and pretend animal slaughter.
When a smartly dressed Black man comes to watch her perform, and then questions her decision to be a part of such an act, she is affronted at his lack of understanding of her difficult position. It is hard enough for people like them to find work in a city like London - why should he judge her participation in what is essentially a freak show to earn her living? She learns that he is a philanthropist working to bring freedom and prosperity to Black people just like her by sending them to a better life overseas.
Zillah feigns disinterest and maintains her pride, but the man's shock towards her profession makes her think long and hard about her position in society. And when the theatre's owner introduces an even more shocking act into his troupe, Zillah is horrified to stand by and watch - particularly when the new act mysteriously disappears.
This novel is full of atmosphere and I absolutely love the depictions of the dingy, smog-filled London streets in contrast with the brightly painted actors and theatre sets. Moreover, the themes of identity, race and class set against the backdrop of such an apparently glamorous world really highlights the issues all the more. This was a fantastic debut and I will keep an eye out for Dillsworth's future writing!
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